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Try our free quizzes modeled after the WAEC and BEC exams. Choose from a variety of options and add them to your basket to get started. These timed quizzes provide a simulated examination experience, allowing you to feel prepared for the real exam. Improve your skills by taking the challenge and putting your knowledge to the test. Start your journey today!


Test Quiz

1 / 26

Correct 0.005854 to 2 significant figures

2 / 26

There are 20 men in a public bus of these , 15 wear glasses and 10 wear wrist watches if one man is chosen at random from the bus, what is the probability that he wears both glasses and wrist watch ?

3 / 26

A petrol tank will take a factory 30 weeks when it uses 150 litres per day. How many weeks will it take the factory if it decides to use 500 litres per day ?

4 / 26

Over here, we grow tomatoes in and out of season. This means that we grow tomatoes…

5 / 26

What is the gradient of the line joining points (2,5) and (5,14)

6 / 26

The angle of elevation of a bird in the air from a hunter standing on the ground is 35° . if the hunter is 1.4m tall and the bird is 81.7m away along the hunter’s line of sight, how high , correct to 1 decimal place , is the bird from the ground?

7 / 26

A ship sails 5km due west and then 7km due south. Find correct to the nearest degree, its bearing from the original position

8 / 26

This second-hand car is going for a song. This means that the car…

9 / 26

She was in the habit of robbing Peter to pay Paul. This means that she…

10 / 26

The plea of the accused fell on deaf ears. This means that the plea was…

11 / 26

Find the sum of 303₅ and 104₅


12 / 26

A car covers 180m in (𝑡 − 1) seconds and 324m in (𝑡 + 3) seconds. if it is travelling at a constant speed, calculate the value of 𝑡

13 / 26

The 𝑛𝑡h term of the sequence 5 , 8, 11, .......... is 383. Find 𝑛

14 / 26

I take great exception to your remarks. This means I…

15 / 26

At the lottery draw, the spectators were all eyes. This means that the spectators…

16 / 26

The new school prefects were advised to live above board. This means that the prefects
were asked to…

17 / 26

A rectangular tank measuring 11m by 2m by 7m is equal in volume to a cylindrical tank of height 4m. calculate of the cylindrical tank. [𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝜋 = 22/7 ]

18 / 26

After the boxer was knocked down three times, his manager threw in the towel. This
means the manager…

19 / 26

The semi-interquartile of a distribution is 20. If the upper quartile is 96, find the lower quartile

20 / 26

After allowing a discount of 15% on an article, a seller collected GH¢ 36000.00 in cash. How much was the discount?

21 / 26

Given that

\[ t = 2^{-x} \]


\[ 2^{x+1} \]

in terms of t

22 / 26

The Black Stars made the fans sit on tenterhooks during their match against the Super Eagles.
This means that the Black Stars…

23 / 26

My blood ran cold at the awful sight. This means…

24 / 26

A quantity 𝑧 varies directly as the square root of 𝑥 and inversely as the cube of 𝑠 . if 𝑧 = 8 when 𝑥 = 4 and 𝑠 = 1 , express 𝑧 in terms of 𝑥 and 𝑠

25 / 26

If 2√5+√125−√45+4≡𝑎+𝑏√𝑐 evaluate (2𝑎−𝑏)

26 / 26


\[ 3\frac{1}{2}\ -\ 1\frac{1}{3}\ x\ 2\frac{5}{8} \]



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The Basic Education Certificate is an essential part of a student’s academic journey. This certificate comprises a range of subjects that are vital to develop a student’s academic foundation, including English Language, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, Career Tech, Religious and Moral Education, and ICT. Each subject is carefully chosen to provide a comprehensive learning experience that will prepare students for the challenges they will face in secondary school and beyond.

In order to help students prepare for the BECE exam, many educational institutions have developed quizzes that are specifically designed to reflect the types of questions that students can expect to see on the exam. These quizzes are invaluable resources that allow students to gain a deeper understanding of the concepts covered in each subject and help them to build the necessary skills to succeed in their academic endeavors. By engaging in these quizzes, students can feel confident and well-prepared as they work towards their academic goals.

Secondary school subjects are divided into core and elective subjects, with students expected to take exams in the core subjects and choose elective subjects that align with their future career goals. The core subjects include English Language, Integrated Science, Core Mathematics, and Social Studies. Elective subjects are grouped into Science, Business, Elective Visual Art, Home Economics, and General Arts. Our quizzes cover all core subjects and some elective subjects, with the aim of providing a comprehensive assessment tool for students, regardless of their future career goals. We strive to cover a wide range of elective subjects, providing support for students in all areas and helping to ensure their success in their academic pursuits.

Tertiary education refers to educational institutions that students attend after completing secondary education. These institutions include universities, training colleges, and nursing schools. They provide advanced education and training in various fields, such as engineering, business, law, medicine, and education, among others. Tertiary education plays a crucial role in shaping the future of students and society as a whole, by equipping learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their chosen careers. It is essential to offer a broad range of courses to cater to different interests and preferences of students. By doing so, students can choose courses that align with their career goals and personal aspirations, enabling them to achieve success in their academic and professional lives.

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